
Coming to NYC

Our fellow Drupalists at Evolving Web are bringing their EvolveDrupal Summit to New York City on Friday September 20, 2024.  

Get all the details!

We have a working group preparing for us to gather in person.  If you subscribe to our mailing list, you received a short survey.  We will post more details as soon as we have plans.

The Board of Directors of DrupalNYC learned recently that Pantheon Systems, Inc. is being questioned about their decision to provide services to Alliance Defending Freedom.  The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the ADF organization as a hate group. This decision raises two primary areas of conflict, with Pantheon’s publicly

Staying connected while we are distributed

A shared value for community is what makes Drupal special, more than just some useful code.  We express this through priority in time and effort that we give to meeting in person. Our present circumstances dictate that we set aside this personal connection in favor of caring for each other